Set Up Coverages

The Set Up Coverages page shows administrative information about your coverages.

Every vehicle must have a coverage, which is responsible for monitoring its messages. A coverage is created when a user or address list is assigned to one or more vehicles. Creating a coverage involves selecting an existing user or address list and assigning vehicles to it.

If you have permission to set up coverages, you can view, create, and reassign vehicles to or between coverages. If your company uses coverage security, members of coverage groups can access vehicle information only for vehicles assigned to their coverage(s).

Jump to Coverage ID
To locate a coverage, type all or part of its ID and click Search.
Click to select a coverage, then select an option from the (Select) list at the bottom of the page:
  • Reassign Vehicles—moves the vehicles assigned to the selected coverage to a different coverage.
  • Toggle Message Group—switches the coverage from a message group to a non-message group and back. Message groups are used to send broadcast messages to groups of vehicles.

Vehicle message groups use a group message ID number that is assigned by the NOC. A company is assigned 10 ID numbers when it receives its account. Additional group numbers can be requested if needed.

When you switch a coverage to be a message group, QTRACS software assigns it the next available group ID number. If you have no remaining numbers or have a pending request for an additional number, a message window pops ups and explains how to proceed.

Coverage ID / Description
The ID and descriptive information for a coverage. The icon indicates whether this is a single user or an address list . If it is a single user, the ID is the user's login ID.
The number of users in the address list. Click the number to open the Edit Address List page and modify the users in the list. If this is a single user, the number 1 appears and is not a link.
The number of vehicles assigned to the coverage. Click the number to add or remove vehicles from the coverage.
Note: If you reassign all of the vehicles in a coverage, the user or address list ID is removed from the list of coverages.
Message Group
Indicates whether the coverage is a vehicle message group. By default, a coverage will also be made a vehicle message group if a company has message group ID numbers available.

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